DU European Core Facility Management
Autre diplôme niveau BAC+5
105 heure(s)
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Autre diplôme niveau BAC+5
105 heure(s)
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Teaching will be conducted exclusively in English at differentlocations in three sessions: one session at Paris Diderot University, one at a different location in Europe, and one through videoconference.
The theoretical program is given by 11 professors and professionals, all experts in their field. The teaching is based on a combination of lectures, case studies and role-plays.
The practical part is a mentoring program. Each participant will do two one-week rotations on two distinct core-facilities in Europe.
A welcome brochure, as well as all the teaching materials will be provided to each participant as a USB stick. Additional documents used in the training, will be provided on a file-sharing platform.
The goal of the training is to provide a comprehensive European training (in English) to run a core facility in biological research. Through the delivery of a University diploma, the ultimate goal is to set a European standard for core-facility management and to facilitate exchanges and networking between core facilities.
Workplace organization (conflict management, human resources, quality management, health and safety)
Core-facility services (administration of equipment, cost recharging, accounting investment planning, public tender, contracts and project management)
Upkeep and Innovation (maintenance, benchmarking, technological scouting, patents, intellectual property)
The training consists of 45 hours of theoretical training and 60
hours of practicals (105 hours total). It is organized in 3 sessions
of 2.5 days for the theoretical part. One session is held at Paris Diderot University, one at another location in Europe, and one in videoconferencing.
In addition, the choice of two practical modules of 30 hours
(1week each) will complete the theoretical part. For this second
part, one rotation in a core-facility of the same discipline as
the participant (1 week) and one rotation in core-facility of a
different discipline (1 week) will be proposed.
Theoretical part : Administration and accounting (30 hrs) Format : Lectures
Unit 1 : general accounting and cost accounting (6 hrs)
Unit 2 : on-line reservation, cost recharging (user fees), administration and maintenance of equipment (6 hrs)
Unit 3 : investment planning, Public tender and writing tender
specifications (4 hrs)
Unit 4 : patents, inventions and intellectual property (4 hrs)
Unit 5 : contracts (MTAs, collaborations, authorship) and project
management (4 hrs)
Unit 6 : quality management, health and safety (pictograms, safety
levels, laser safety, etc…) (6 hrs)
Unit 7 : Management (15 hrs over 3 distinct sessions) ; Format :
Human resources
Conflict Management
Team building
Practical rotations : the theoretical training will be completed by 2 one-week rotations :
Unit 8 : 1 rotation (1 week) in a core facility of the same technology
as the participant. This rotation is intended for the participant to
be exposed to organization and/or management and/or functional
procedures distinct from their expertise of origin.
Unit 9 : 1 rotation (1 week) in a core facility in a different technology.
This rotation is intended for participants to be exposed to other
technical and scientific disciplines in order to open them to potential interdisciplinary activities.
Calendar: 01/10/2022
Au cours de la formation, le stagiaire émarge une feuille de présence par demi-journée de formation en présentiel et le Responsable de la Formation émet une attestation d’assiduité pour la formation en distanciel.
À l’issue de la formation, le stagiaire remplit un questionnaire de satisfaction en ligne, à chaud. Celui-ci est analysé et le bilan est remonté au conseil pédagogique de la formation.
Recevez gratuitement le programme de la formation par Université Paris Cité.
Université Paris Cité
5 Rue Thomas Mann
75205 Paris cedex 13
> Voir la carte
105 heure(s)
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